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Last date for Registration: 15 Oct 2010

Accommodation info

      1. Boarding and unfurnished accommodation facility will be provided during their stay 
          here on prior intimation(excluding Tumkur colleges). If possible the participants are
          requested to bring light bedding and warm clothing.

2. The participating teams are informed to pay the caution deposit of Rs 500 for Boys and 
     Rs 500 for girls accommodation, which will be refunded at the time of 
     their  return.

3. The participants themselves are personally responsible to safeguard their belongings.   

4. All movements from and to the rooms should be recorded in the movement register
    kept with the security guard and should be properly signed.
5.The security guard has instructions to lock the gate  30 Min after the completion of                 
    the days  events and it will be open  at morning 06.00 AM.