1. Participant college has to pay the entry fee
a. Participating up to 10 events Rs. 2,500/-
b. Participating above 10 events Rs. 5,000/-
DD should be drawn in favour of Principal, CIT, payable at tumkur.
2.Forms (registration & eligibility) completed in all respect, along with the DD shall be submitted on or before 15th oCTOBER 2010.
3. Two copies of Stamp sized photographs of each participant & accompanist need to be sent with the forms.
4. No modification in the participants list of registration form shall be entertained at any future date.
5. To complete the registration the team Managers / authorized person appointed by the team manager are only allowed.
6. Team managers shall bring photo copies of Registration & Eligibility forms in person to the registration counter, along with original College ID Cards of the participants.
7. Event ID Cards shall be issued to each participant through the team managers.
8. After submitting the NO DUES from the accommodation, the COLLEGE ID cards shall be returned to the team managers.